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What is the importance of the household inverter?

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The function of a household inverter is to convert DC power, that is, the current in some batteries and accumulators, into a tool for AC power. In layman's terms, a household inverter is a device that helps convert direct current into alternating current. household inverters need to be composed of components such as inverter bridges, control logic, and filter circuits. It seems that household inverters have been widely used in all aspects of family life.

  • How do I equip the battery with a suitable household inverter?

  • Why should we pay attention to the tension when using household inverters?

  • How do I connect the household inverter to power and load?

How do I equip the battery with a suitable household inverter?

If the battery specification is 12 Volt and 50 Amper Hours, we multiply 12 Volt with 50 Amper Hours and the battery output is 600 Watt. If the efficiency of the home inverter is 90% we multiply 90% with 600 watts to obtain 540 watts. This means that your battery can supply a home inverter with a maximum output power of 540 Watt. Of course, you can also use a "one-step" "Purchase method, i.e. you can buy a household inverter with a power of 800 Watt regardless of the current specification of your car battery. Then use it first within the permissible range of this battery and use it with full power after replacing it in the future with a larger cart. Finally, the power requirement of household inverters is not high, e.g. 100 watts are sufficient, then you can buy a small inverter. In addition, when determining the power of the inverter, an important principle is not to keep the household inverter under full load when used for long periods. n, because otherwise this will significantly shorten the life of the household inverter and the default rate of the household inverter will also significantly increase. We strongly recommend users use a household inverter if the rated power does not exceed 85%.

Why should we pay attention to the tension when using household inverters?

The conversion of household inverters is intended to avoid "inductive loads". In layman's terms, high-performance electrical products such as motors, compressors, relays, fluorescent lamps, etc. are manufactured according to the principle of electromagnetic induction. This type of product requires a much larger (about five to seven times) For example, a refrigerator that consumes approximately 150 watts of electricity in normal operation may have a start-up power of more than 1.000 watts. Since the inductive load generates an anti-EMF voltage at the moment of switching on or off. The peak value of this voltage is also much higher than the voltage that the auto household inverter can withstand, which can easily cause household inverters for vehicles. The current overload of the inverter affects the life of the household inverter.

How do I connect the household inverter to power and load?

To use electric devices under 150 watts, you can insert the 150-watt home inverter plug directly into the cigarette lighter pockets to use it. A household inverter with more than 150 watts is connected directly to the battery via the crocodile clamp cable. The red cable is connected to the positive electrode of the battery and the black cable is connected to the negative electrode of the battery. The connection principle is as follows: the connection between the house inverter and battery should be as short as possible, the AC-220 voltage output cable should be longer.

With the advancement of modern technology, the appearance of household inverters has provided great convenience to everyone's lives. Shenzhen Sumry Electronics Co., Ltd. has various household inverters that can provide the increasing of products, and make them more effective, reliable, and consistent.


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